Friday, August 16, 2013

How To Make A Purrrrito

This is my docile, sweet little kitty. 
 She is the most relaxed cat I have ever known and just wants to please us humans so she will be loved.  
Matt got her from the pound right after she had a litter of kittens.  She was so weak she couldn't even walk up the stairs when he got her.  Now she goes on walks in the park with us.  Yes, she walks on a leash and everyone stops to look at a cat walking on a leash.  She also knows how to sit and give me high-five for her treats.  She's better at sitting and high-fiving than my dog. :) 

Bella is our little cuddle bug who loves her moose bed and fluffy blanky.  She loves it when I wrap her up tight like a burrito.  We call her our little purrrito since she is purring the whole time we wrap her up.

This is how it goes:
Get a sleepy happy kitty and place her in her favorite blanket. 
Fold one edge over the side.
Pull up the bottom point of the blanket over the first fold.
Wrap up the other side and tuck it under.
Now you have a purrrrito.  She will sleep for hours.


  1. How adorable! I've never had a cat that relaxed. ♥

  2. Thanks, Holly! She is a character and so fun to have around. :)
