Friday, August 16, 2013

DIY Pesticide Made From Garlic

I watered my plant the other day and saw small fruit flies fluttering in the dirt.  I don't like using toxic chemicals in my home, and started brainstorming.  I thought of a time in the desert when I ate garlic to repel away the mosquitoes, and also thought of a clip in Mary Jane Butters book "Mary Jane's Outpost."   She said her grandmother used to boil garlic and onions to keep bugs out of her garden. 

If you want to make this natural and easy bug repellant, this is what you will need:

Ten cloves garlic
(I used minced garlic from Mountain Rose Herbs)
Two onions chopped
Eight cups water
Add the chopped onion, minced garlic, and water to a pot. 
Boil for about one hour.
 Separate the fluid from the solids.
 I used a measuring cup, but I think next time I might use a spray bottle to apply the pesticide to my plants. 
I made this concoction on Tuesday night (four days ago) and have been waiting to post this make sure it works.  

Well, it has worked so far.  No more fruit flies in the soil. 

I keep checking everyday.  The first day there were still a couple of fruit flies, but today there are none.  They have all decided to move out.  Yay!! 
 I do have to warn you, your house may smell a little garlicky for a couple of days. 

 I have to show off the plant I rescued.  I found this Philodendron in the garbage can at work.  I did some dumpster-diving and revived it.  This beautiful plant is surprising me every couple of weeks with its new huge leaves.  I think it's grateful.  :)

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