Sunday, August 18, 2013

Garden Fresh Eggplant and Tomato Couscous

My inspiration for tonight's dinner came from the fun day I had at my parents house. 
 I love going back home!  
Today my mom put on a baby shower for my sister.  My attention span is not that long, so during the shower I had to go play in the garden and gather the eggs.  This is what I saw....
 Beautiful tomatoes begging to be picked
 Look at these delicious ones hiding in the tomato forest. 
The ladies were having a very important meeting.
 These are the tomatoes from today.  
Boy, do I want lots of property someday with sweet animals and a beautiful garden. 
My grandma also has a beautiful garden.  I was lucky enough to get one of her zucchinis and eggplants today.  I decided to make eggplant and tomato couscous.
It took about 15 minutes to make, chopping included.  I like these kind of meals!
I used:
one eggplant, diced
one onion, chopped
one zucchini, diced
two tomatoes, diced
one box of couscous
First, chop the onion and dice the eggplant.  Put the two in a hot cast-iron pan with a tablespoon olive oil.  
Start the couscous.  Follow the instructions on the box.
Add the zucchini to the onion and eggplant.  Salt and pepper to taste. 

 I added fresh basil and thyme from my garden.
 Add the tomatoes and cook for about another two minutes.  
Place the couscous on the plate and top with the eggplant, tomato stir-fry.
I ate at a Mediterranean restaurant last night.  This was way better. 


  1. Love to cook and love it even more when I have picked it fresh myself. This looks so yummy and easy! I think this will make it to a table this week.

  2. Debbie,

    I agree. Food tastes so much better when you grow it and pick it yourself. This recipe is really quick and easy. Enjoy!!

