Saturday, June 15, 2013

Number One Pops

It's Father's Day this Sunday and wanted to make my dad something unique.  I like to make the gifts I give because it seems more personable.  I saw a really cute idea for a Father's Day gift on Pinterest.   
This is the one I made

I wrapped the glass bottle holder with cute crafting paper  (I ran out of glue, so I used clear tape.  It worked great!).  I asked my neighbors to drink the Coke, Sprite, and Fantana out of the glass bottles (the 8 year-old girls loved the idea of drinking soda for a favor) and washed them in the dishwasher.  I filled them with small candy, popped the caps back on, and tied on a bow with scrap fabric.  I'm sure my dad won't care about the cutesie stuff, I wanted to jazz them up a little.  :)  

This is what I used: 

  •  paper glass bottle carrier 
  • clear tape 
  • cute paper (I think it's scrap booking paper) 
  • glass bottles (coca-cola, Sprite, Fantana) Wal-mart for $0.98 each
  • Dark Chocolate Peanut M&M's
  • The Dark Side Skittles
  • Sweetish Fish
  • Red Hots
  • Gummy Bears
  • Regular M&M's
  • six pieces of scrap fabric for the bows
  • Sharpie 
  • Scissors
  • A good chick-flick to watch while crafting 
End result:
 Dorothy is inspecting it.  :)  She loves her grandpa!! 

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