Thursday, February 28, 2013

Vegan Creamy Broccoli Potato Soup

Night Five of Bountiful Baskets
Last night I was feeling a little under the weather, so it was a lazy Rumbi's take out night. :)

Tonight I'm making potato broccoli soup.
This is what I used:

12 small potatoes, cubed
1 32 oz box veggie broth plus half the container tap water
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon coriander seed
1/2 teaspoon mustard seed
1 pinch of paprika
one bay leaf 
one onion, chopped
one rainbow carrot, chopped
two heads broccoli
tablespoon ginger root, minced
two cloves of garlic, minced
Wash and cube the potatoes. Pour the veggie broth, cubed potatoes and spices into a large pot.  Cook on medium heat for about 15 minutes; then add the carrots.  

 While the carrots are cooking with the potatoes, chop one onion, mince one small piece of ginger root and two cloves garlic.  Caramelize these three ingredients in a separate pan for about five minutes.  
 Add the broccoli to the caramelized onions and let cook for one more minute.
Add the broccoli and onion sauté to the soup and cook another five minutes.  Add 3/4 cup soy milk and simmer for the last ten minutes.  
 Serve in bowls, let cool, and eat up!  The ginger adds a little spice, while the potatoes and soy milk make this soup perfectly creamy. 

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