Friday, January 25, 2013

Wool Felt Baby Booties

 These are my hand sewn baby wool felt shoes.  I think I might make some for myself. :)
 These baby booties are really easy and fun to create.  
 I found the idea from the purl bee, but tweaked my pattern a little, as you can see.  
My shoes are the red frilly ones above.  The purl bee shoes are the ones below.  
 You should check out the purl bee though.  The site has such adorable ideas.

 I first made my shoes from super cheap felt I purchased from the local craft store.  I found out from my mom, who makes her own felt, that the cheap stuff falls apart when machine washed. 

I want the little kiddo to be able to get dirty while wearing these.  
The Material Girls Quilt Shop is the only local quilt shop I found that sells wool felt and is machine washable.   

This is what I used:
  • wool felt
  • embroidery floss
  • ribbon of your choice (I used ball ribbon)
  • scissors
  • pins
  • needle
  • button
  • sharpie marker
First, you will want to cut out your pattern. If you go the to the pearl bee, you can print the PDF for free.  I looked at the pattern and made mine little different size and shape.
Sew your ribbon (if you want ribbon) to the top of the shoe wall.
 Fold the long piece of the pattern in half and mark the middle.  Do the same thing for the sole of the shoe.
 Fold the wall of the shoe up over the sole and pin on the halfway mark.
 wrap the two ends of the shoe wall to the front of the sole, and pin.

Start sewing the sole of the shoe to the wall of the shoe, by using the buttonhole stitch. 

 Once you have stitched all the way around the shoe, tie the two loose ends in a knot.
 Thread the loose ends through the back of the shoe and cut.
 Now, make your second shoe. 
 I add a wooden button to add a little more contrast.  I like the detail.  
 Now your shoe is complete. 

I may sew Velcro to the buckle so the little kiddo won't loose it's shoe. 


  1. These are adorable!! Remind me of little sherpa booties :)

  2. Ash, what is the name of your blog? I click on your photo and it just takes me to the photo. I want to follow you.

  3. Babies, both infants and toddlers, have unique issues when it comes to their feet and footwear. An infant’s feet are essentially developmental in nature. The baby lifts up his feet and looks at these crazy things in front of his face. He explores his feet and toes and wonders what they may do. He moves them around and wonders who is making them do that.
